the ramblings of a 30 something year old female, do indulge.....

Monday, February 22, 2010

Over the rainbow...

Happy New Year, it's been a very fast year so far, the weeks are moving along really quickly and I must say I am quite happy about all my little projects unfolding as the time rushes by. 

A quick summary of all that's been going on since I last shared. So last year my friend did get married, I feel I did a good job as a first time bridesmaid, I ended up having to hook up all the little flower girls with french braids while also trying to get myself together, let's just say I dunno if I want to be that involved in a wedding that's not mine again....I didn't say it loud enough cause already another friend is trying to sign me up for the same gig 'God Help me!'. Also in 2009, I got to see my friend Maryam twice in one year (she lives in DC, I live in Lagos), that never happens, so it was great to catch up. She decided to come out and celebrate her birthday with us and we were toooooo happy to oblige! That's us in the pic with my beautiful sisters!

My man-friend went off to school in England and so our relationship is now long-distance, I feel very mixed about this....

My sister, I and Sally launched our new t-shirt collection and the feedback has been great, we are presently working on revamping our website and just being more organised, feels good that we're still in business after all these years!

And that brings us to this morning, I just watched the Marc Jacobs show compiled by one of my favorite fashion bloggers Garance Dore and it put me in very high spirits, my own personal Monday morning boost! Some people need coffee, I need my Bill Cunningham (NYtimes on the street), Scott Schuman (the Satorialist) and Garance. Every time I see something beautiful it gives me hope and inspires me so I already know this week is going to be great (it helps that Friday may actually be a public holiday). Well, hopefully, I'll be a bit more consistent this year as far as sharing my thoughts in blogville, just taking everything one step at a time.

Tchau xoxo